A team of experts was sent to find out how the hermit living in Montana(US) forest was doing. A psychologist, an engineer and a theological professor made their way up the treacherous terrain. On the evening of the third day, they spotted the cabin. There was smoke coming from the stove pipe chimney, and the door was ajar. Inside the cabin everything appeared neat. The only thing that caught their attention was that the stove was suspended 18 inches off the floor by wires attached to the ceiling. “This clearly explains,” the psychologist spoke, “this man’s desire to return to the womb. He can crawl underneath the stove to feel the warmth of the womb.” “Nonsense!” exclaimed the engineer. “He has lifted the stove so as to reduce the zone which the heat has to permeate.” “I think you’re both wrong,” the theologist said. “The placement of fire on raised altars has been an emblem of faith.” As the three experts argued the hermit returned. They approached him and demanded to know the significance of the placement of the stove. “Simple …” he said. “Had to fix stove pipe … plenty of wire … not enough stove pipe!”
미국 몬태나의 숲속에 은둔해 지내고 있는 사람의 근황을 알아보기 위해 전문가-심리학자, 공학자, 신학자-팀이 파견됐다. 그들은 험한 산길을 걸어 들어갔다. 사흘째 되는 날 저녁 오두막을 발견했다. 스토브 파이프 연통에서 연기가 나는 오두막의 문은 열려 있었다. 안에 들어가 보니 모든 게 잘 정돈돼 있었다. 한 가지 그들의 주의를 끈 이상한 것이 있었는데 스토브가 철사로 묶여 천장에 매달려 바닥에서 18인치 되는 허공에 떠있는 것이다.